Hero World




 “HERO” is a well-known brand in the pen making industry in China with a history of more than 70 years. “HERO” fountain pen is one of the most famous brands in China. HERO” fountain pen and ‘HERO” ink are well-known products in Shanghai. “HERO” fountain pen has been listed  and supported among the export products having its own brand by the Ministry of Commerce.

Following continuous development of the enterprises, the company is planning the developing strategy of “HERO” brand. Taking science developing as ruling idea, brand as a tie, efficacy as aim, through brand focusing promoting core strength, products adjustment enhancing competitive ability, unity and innovation forming developing power; making “HERO” brand stronger, mainline bigger, enterprise better, as instructing idea, adopting the development strategy of one mainline with multiple business and taking stationery products as preference.
 “HERO” pens  are not only been widely used by ordinary people, but also often been selected as gifts by our national and Party leaders or to used to sign important documents such as the Joint Statemen of China and UK, Argeement of HONG KONG Return, Agreement of Macao Return, Agreement of China Entering WTO, Documents for the meetings of Heads of Shanghai Cooperation Organization 6 states, and designated as the pens to be used for the conferences of national or local CPC,  NPC, CPPCC.
“HERO”, as one of state-owned brands, has become a brilliant pearl among the long river of national brands.
“HERO” brand has been registered in more than 70 countries and districts to expand the occupancy of “HERO” brand in the international market and develop “HERO” brand as an international brand. And continuously to strengthen the cooperation with international big companies. extracting advanced technics, technology and new design from abroad, making “HERO” brand products manufacturing base as an international recognized brand manufacturing base. In various show, advertisement the VI of “HERO” brand which is designed by the group company will be used identically.
Taking science developing as ruling idea, brand as a tie, efficacy as aim, through brand focusing promoting core strength, products adjustment enhancing competitive ability, unity and innovation forming developing power; making “HERO” brand stronger, mainline bigger, enterprise better, as instructing idea, adopting the development strategy of one mainline with multiple business and taking stationery products as preference, to make pen business bigger and stronger.
Through adjustment and conformity to the sources in existence we’ll concentrate predominant sources to develop “HERO” brand firstly., making a chain of  “HERO” brand products, forming a manufacturers group for “HERO” brand, strengthening the shaping of CI design and cultural connotation of the brand., and through brand strategy of intensivism to make “HERO” becoming a leading brand both in home and abroad.